Saturday, 26 October 2013

Happiness is a journey...

Happiness is a journey, Not a destination. 
by: Ben Sweetland

God determines who walks into your life.....

God determines who walks into your life. It's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, who you refuse to let go.

Don't talk to me.....

Don't TALK to me, because you are "BORED". 
I am not here to ENTERTAIN you.
And don't come to me only when you need a FAVOR. 
I don't like being USED.

One of the hardest decisions....

One of the hardest decisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whatever to walk away or try harder.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Have faith in your journey...

Have faith in your journey.  Everything had to happen exactly as it did to get you where you're going next.